Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Fukushima Kids Hawaii Events in California for Raising Awareness and Fund

Yumi here.  I am in California for the whole month of Jun to do two things.

1  To improve my NVC and Connection Practice skills by getting more trainings
2  To raise awareness and funding for Fukushima Kids Hawaii, the mission I am putting my whole heart in.

Below is the list of open-to public events I am speaking and Gen is sharing the Harmonics Healing to cope with more environmental challenges (radiation, chemicals, electro magnetic waves, GMOs.....list goes on).

Hope to see you while we are in California.

      Yumi and Gen’s Schedule in California (Jun 11-29, 2014)

Yumi and Gen from Japan (now in Hawaii) will be speaking on Fukushima children and the health effect of radiation exposure. They are also available for individual health consultations. 

Please call 808-756-8946 or e-mail: rawinfo@harmonicslife.net for an appointment .

Fort Bragg (Mendocino) Wed. Jun 11, 2:30~5:15@Mendocino (Fort Bragg)
Call 707-964-7085 or e-mail thais@mcn.org to RSVP

Woodacre (Marin) Fri. Jun 13, 5-8pm@Woodacre (Marin)
Call 415-488-9138 or  e-mail Judith@circleway.com to RSVP

Berkeley Sat. Jun 14 2:30-5:15@Berkely Library West Building
1125 University Ave(x San Pablo St), Berkeley
Bolinas (Marin) Sun. Jun 15 2-5pm (followed by potluck)@Bolinas             Hosted by EON Network   Call 415-868-1900 to RSVP
San Francisco Tue Jun 16 all day for individual health consultation with Yumi & Gen @744 Capital Dr.       Call: 808-756-8946 to make an appointment
Sacramento Wed Jun 18-26 Private session of Empathic Coaching or Private Health Consultation available in the evenings in Sacramento
Open Jun 20-21, 2014 weekend open for Harmonics Healing or Empathic Communication workshop if anyone is interested in organizing in Sacramento or Bay area. Call Yumi:808-756-8946
Los Angeles Sat Jun 28 10-12am: Be Your Own Doctor: Health workshop                 2-4pm: What Can We Do for Fukushima Kids?  Call:626-242-5346 for venue
All the events have no set fee and your donations will support their work for Fukushima Kids Hawaii directly. http://www.fukushimakidshawaii.com
Yumi/Gen would like to receive $100 per hour for a private session for health consultation (Harmonics Healing) and open to alternative way of receiving.


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